
SMK Negeri 4 Semarang is a very good school. Starting from the learning methods provided to the school environment, it is very good. A comfortable environment and good friends and teachers make students feel at home studying at school.

Description 1:

The environment around SMK Negeri 4 Semarang is very comfortable and beautiful. There are trees in the main field, and there is little rubbish scattered around. The main field is the spot most often used by students, usually used for ceremonies and sports. There are so many classes at this school, that during breaks the school canteen becomes very busy.

Description 2:

Every morning the school bell will ring, and all students stand up to sing the Indonesian national anthem. The large number of students makes the environment around SMK Negeri 4 Semarang feel busy and noisy. On the main field and basketball court, many students play sports and some of them often shout, which makes the school atmosphere noisy. Sometimes there is also noise coming from the machine class from the tools they use for practice.

Description 3:

The air around SMK Negeri 4 Semarang feels fresh. There are no piles of rubbish that cause unpleasant odors, so the air around you still feels fresh. The canteen is a place that always creates appetizing aromas, the smell of fried food and even the smell of Soto. Break is the time for students to eat their lunch, the various types of food brought by students make the classroom filled with various kinds of food aromas.


School is a place for students to learn and a place for teachers to teach, so that the environment around the school is made as comfortable as possible. The comfort of the environment around the school is created by ourselves, keeping the environment clean can help create a comfortable school environment. A clean and pleasant school environment can make us feel happy.


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