Today's learning! Procedure Text

Hai semua! Hari ini aku mau bagiin ke kalian pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada hari Senin, 28 Agustus 2023. Materi yang dipelajari adalah Procedure Text. Procedure text is aims to describe how something accomplished or made by order activity or or steps certain. Teks ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan bagaimana sesuatu dicapai atau dibuat melalui urutan kegiatan atau langkah-langkah tertentu. Generic structure of procedure text: 1. Goal Example of goals: How to send a letter via e-mail 2. Materials Example of materials: - Laptop/ cellphone - Internet access 3. Steps Example of steps: 1) Write the letter. 2) Log into your email and compose a new message. 3) Copy and paste in the letter from wherever you wrote it. 4) Proofread your message. 5) Hit send! Language Features 1. Present Tense V1 V = S/ES TO BE = IS, AM, ARE 2. Imperative Kalimat perintah/instruksi 3. Connectives First Second Then Finally 4. Action Verb ...